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WordPress Server Space
This website,, had been crashing every week or two since I launched it, and I was baffle as to why. Every time it crashed, I would just restart the server, and it would come back up again. I had followed the same steps to host WordPress servers in the past and had never ran into these issues before.
Then one day, when I logged into the WordPress dashboard, I noticed a health alert that showed a low disk space alert. The server had less than 20MB of space left. Then it hit me. Other WordPress servers that I’ve hosted never had so many large images, and the images were clogging up the server disk space. This was just a hunch at the time, but it was worth trying to fix so that the uptime of this website could be higher.
I put in the effort of taking every single image (except for the favicon) and putting them into an S3 bucket, which is a static file hosting cloud service, then switching the href of all the images to the ones in the S3 bucket.
I’ve never had issues with the website going down since!
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