Join us on this journey through the challenges and intricacies of crafting fun gaming experiences!

Code to Community
Creating an open source repo is very simple to do. There’s only a few configurations here and there to when setting up your github repo. I’ve found some challenges in creating a real release where someone could just put your library as a dependency in their build.gradle file. Here was my process of getting my…
EC2 WordPress Behind CloudFront
Running your own WordPress server with all sorts of shiny Plugins you can install seemed cool and fun to explore. Unfortunately running your WordPress server with WooCommerce behind a Load Balancer turned out to be more costly than expected. WooCommerce itself requires t2.large instance of EC2, which costs over $60 per month. I’ve tried using…
Stuck in the Wall
Here’s a weird bug that took about a month to crack. Sometimes when playing multiplayer, a party member, host or not, would get stuck in the wall, unable to move, but only visually for other party members. The player was moving around just fine on their screen. What was going on? Checking the network calls,…